Internal Controls

Internal Controls

At times, it may be essential to engage a trained external professional to review your company's operations. This ensures that the right controls are in place for properly managing resources and safeguarding against employee theft.

Here's what we offer:

We evaluate your internal control systems to assess how well your operating procedures are working. Based on our findings, we provide recommendations to help your company enhance profitability and strength by addressing any inefficiencies or ineffective processes.

What we do for you includes:

  • Implementing segregation of duties: To reduce the possibility of mistakes or inappropriate behavior, we divide the responsibilities among several people. This way, no single person controls all aspects of any financial transaction.

  • Ensuring authorization of transactions: We confirm that all transactions are approved by someone with delegated authority, ensuring they align with policy and that funds are available.

  • Routine review and reconciliation of records: We ensure that records are regularly checked and reconciled by someone other than the person who prepared or processed them, verifying the accuracy of transactions.
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  • Securing assets: We help ensure that equipment, inventories, cash, and other property are physically secured, regularly counted, and reconciled with descriptions on control records.

  • Providing training and guidance to employees: We ensure your staff members have the instruction and direction they need to do their jobs well, with appropriate supervision and knowledge of the proper channels for reporting any suspected misconduct.

  • Documenting and accessing policies and procedures: We help document them, making them easily accessible to employees. These documents offer daily guidance and ensure continuity during prolonged employee absences or turnover.

Reviewing operations: We assess whether operations achieve the intended objectives and goals and are executed as planned.


Ready to optimize your finances? 
Apply now or request a quote for tailored accounting solutions today!

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Founded on the principle that every small business owner deserves efficient accounting solutions, We are dedicated to saving time, minimizing taxes, and simplifying life.
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6620 Southpoint Dr S Suite 505 Jacksonville, FL 32216



(904) 903-4495
(954) 728-8982

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